re: Adult cakes

As far as I know and we have posted about this before, explicit adult cakes are not allowed on this site. Many of us, me included browse this site with our children and I do not want any of them seeing a gigantic penis or vagina staring them in the face. And yes I have both girls and boys but when it comes to this site I truly think we can do without them. I have seen some great adult art in cake, and honestly I love it and cannot condemn it but when we are talking about babies heads coming out of vaginas or such I just really think you need to keep it to your personal pages. I honestly do not understand what anyone posting that kind of thing on here is hoping to get. I am not against nudity, I love being naked…especially in my pool,lol…that does not mean everyone else wants to see it. I love everyone on here and want to keep encouraging people to post and I am not admin so have no say but I do know if this is something we are going to allow then we need to have a different section for it so as our gorgeous children whom we are trying to encourage into this great cake world don’t have to see it in it’s rarest although requested stages. Nudity is one thing in art form but for me sorry to say a penis coming is something I can do without seeing. Just my opinion and like vaginas and penises we all have one,lol.

Tampa, Florida