re: First time in 35 years....

Sweetie don’t be so hard on yourself please… You pulled out all the stops and did an amazing job despite extreme personal circumstances, now it’s time to congratulate yourself not to bring yourself down, we are all human and anyone can overlook something like an order, what we do afterwards is what counts. I agree that maybe now is time to have a conversation, but purely about you and what would make you happy. You have a great family behind you, it might be that you could delegate bookings and admin out so you don’t need to worry yourself, or consider how many orders you want to take on for the time being. Whatever you decide please remember you are amazing and bring a lot of happiness to others in what you do, and should love yourself just as much and put your own happiness first so that you can continue to give. And go take a look at Those bakers seemingly had no issue with what they do for a living, if anyone needs to give up work its people like that! Xx