re: icing made with sugar and gelatin powder

I have never heard of this icing, but since no one had replied to your post yet, I did some research. I found this but if it’s not what you are wanting, hopefully my reply will give you a bump and someone else can help you with what you are looking for:

Gelatin Icing

Gelatin icing is an extremely useful icing to have in your repertoire because it sets very hard. It can be used to make things that you want to stand proud from the cake (from delicate flowers and leaves to flags, sails or even turrets). It can also be moulded over objects and left to take on its shape. It can be coloured in the same way as sugarpaste and also has the added benefit of being usable straight away.

TIP: If, when you come to use it, you find that either the gelatin or modelling icing has become too hard, you can soften it by microwaving it on full power for just 4 – 5 seconds.

60 ml (4 tbsp) water
1 sachet (approx 12g/1oz or enough to set 60ml/1 pint) gelatin powder
10 ml (2 tsp) liquid glucose
500g (1lb 2 oz/ 4 1/2 cups) icing sugar
1 – 4 tbsp cornflour

Place the water in a small, heat-proof bowl. Sprinkle the gelatin over the top and leave it to soak for about two minutes. Sieve the icing sugar into a mixing bowl and make a well in the centre.
Put about 1 cm (3/4 in) of water into a saucepan. Stand the bowl in the water and heat gently until the gelatin dissolves.
Remove the bowl from the water and stir in the liquid glucose. Allow to cool for a minute.
Tip the gelatin mixture into the centre of the icing sugar. Using a knife, begin to stir it in. When it has bound together, knead it into a bread-dough consistency adding cornflour as required. Store in small pastic bags until required.