Slow process

Hi wonderful cakesdecor I hope everyone’s having a good weekend.
What have I been upto this last week? Well lots of organising and getting very disheartened at the moment everything is going too slow and there is nothing I can do to speed it up.
I’ve got a few cakes for friends coming up that I’m looking forward to planning and making more on those later.
I have so many ideas buzzing round in my head is unreal.
I’m dreading Monday I’ve got an appointment with Mr bank manager fingers crossed that goes ok and I will be the happiest person in the UK.
I have also just found a new toys shop online it fab I cannot wait to get ordering my basket is full pop over take a look you will see what I mean
Today I’m going to spend as long as I can on my level 2 that’s something I can do :-) 2 little ones pending permission lol
I’ll update you tomorrow if its a good day if not hmmmm ill have to resort to plan B

Let the cakey adventure begin :-)