Tips for icing the cakes like a pro

Do you want to present a cake in a unique way? Opt for icing. Icing your cake can make it even more special and attractive.
Icing of a cake is a part of decoration and there are few options of doing it. It can be covered with butter cream or chocolate cream. The layer of the crumb coat can be prepared with the help of fondant icing. Here are a few tips to cake icing:

Keep the cake on serving dish

It is a good idea to place the cake on the serving dish since the icing cake will be difficult to be transferred to another plate.

Cool the cake

It is important to cool the cake because if it’s not cooled then the icing will melt which will spoil the cake’s texture. After cooling the cake keep the cake on an ordinary room temperature.

Put sugar in a bowl

Use only ordinary confectioner’s sugar. Don’t use granulated sugar or a brown sugar as they are not suitable for icing.

Use a cup of hot water

Pour one spoon of hot water above the sugar placed in the bowl and keep stirring the hot water and sugar until the mixture of hot water and sugar becomes smooth and consistent.

Give color and essence to savor

Coloring and flavoring your cake will give an extra zest to your cake and make it look attractive and taste delicious.
In order to customize your cake you can add some drops of food color and flavor. Then stir it thoroughly and keep on adding the flavor and color until you get the taste that you want.
Vanilla, hazelnut, blackberry, almond are some of popular flavor available and you can use any of them to flavor your girl’s birthday cake.

Pour the icing over the cake

Spread icing evenly over the cake with a butter knife. The layer of icing should be smooth and this could be done by immersing the knife into hot water.

Garnish the cake

Birth candles are the most popular decoration done especially in birthdays. Other items of decoration are plastic characters and sprinkles.

Keep the cake in fridge

The cake should be kept in the fridge to set the icing.After a few hours, it will be ready for serve.
All the credit goes to Deborah Feltham


1 Comment

This is a nice way to prepare icing at home. Deborah Feltham from has helped me to write this article.
