Thanks everyone.
@diperez, There are a few people that I would LOVE to take their classes and he is one of them. Can you imagine?!
I don’t buy too many books since this is just for fun but I couldn’t resist buying his book.

Grear job! i love Carlos Lischetti!!

Florence Devouge, Barcelona, https://www.facebook.com/FlorenceDevougeSugarArtist/

It’s superb! Was it easy to make? I have the book but it is a bit intimidating!


Thank you!
@smitam, It was actually fairly easy. I’m not very good at modeling but found it very easy to follow. I did have trouble with painting the eyes and mouth because the brush wasn’t think enough. Have now purchased another that I think will be much better.

Soooooo cute!!!

Sweet Rocket Queen - https://www.facebook.com/sweetrocketqueen