re: 2015 ICING SMILES Calendar Cake for month of JUNE

Anyone who knows me, knows I dread teeny tiny details lol…so those chairs were a lot of work for me but so worth it to see all your lovely comments on them! I have saved them although a few cracked…they have become dear to me as they really do remind me of summer. Thank you all so much for the many lovely comments and sweet words…thanks Tiny Tastes, Dina (K&K awww <3), Veena, Selma, Zelda, Goreti, Lin, Marlene, Barbara (yay for June <3), Danijela (me too!), Sawsen, Arantxa, Mina, Angela, Toni, Tete, Lulu, Polly, Calli, Fiona, Angie & Becky, Enza, June, Bethann, Carol (yes, seems SO far away lol), Pamela, Maria, Leyda, Bobie, Dakota, Elli, Daantje, Lisa and Julia! And thanks to those who faved…I keep forgetting this part as not all who fave, comment.

Really wishing for summer after the winter we’ve had so far… =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ -