re: No naughty cakes PLEASE!!!

Daniel you are always allowed to express your opinion here and it should be able to be heard without fear of others. I think we realize that many countries embrace nudity much more than others but we feel just as TV and other forms of media have rules on what can be shown we would also like to keep those rules in place here also.
I am a big one for monitoring what my children get to see and I even have Net Nanny on all my computers and Ipads for these very reasons. Unfortunately I have to disable that to view cakesdecor. I do not think that should have to be the case. I also agree that there are sometimes many more things offensive than just nudity and that beauty or what some find offensive is to each individual. But we however have to try to cover the majority of who post on here. Tags are great and we should all try to make our titles and tags reflect what we are showing but again this comes down to each individual and so not all make these things correct!
I do believe there is a big difference in showing a magnificent piece of art and penis cake however. But I guess all is subjective.
We are not trying to deny anyone freedom to be themselves, but like most places we go there are usually rules and these just happen to be the ones we would like our members to try and adhere to. I don’t think we are asking too much from others. Michal has provided us with a wonderful site to share on so I think sticking to just a few basic rules should be expected. We love your work Daniel and respect your decisions and points of view on the world as that is what makes us all so wonderful is our differences. All we ask is that this rule be respected here

Tampa, Florida