re: Jemima Puddle Duck for Zara

Oh my goodness!!! Sorry Ladies…I wasn’t being rude, I’ve been busy caking haha!
Thanks so much Ana, Tatiana, Daniela, Alison and Goreti! :) xx
Thanks Naomi, I hope she likes it too, you’re very sweet to me :) xxx
Thank you Benni! Not really flawless ;) but thank you for always being in my cheer squad, I really appreciate it :) xxx
Thanks Katie!!! Poor Jas, she’s seen so much cake trauma lol! I might have to make her one to keep ;) xxx
Thanks Raika, I would love to take credit for all those gorgeous detail but I can’t, they’re all from Trinh’s amazing imagination :) xxx
And last but not least Toni! Thank you so much!! You’re always there being lovely and supportive, thank you. Please start that facebook page so I can share it :) xxxx

Raewyn, Sydney, Australia