re: Lilies and Dragons

Oh WOW WOW WOW Elli, It is absolutely spectacular, love the lilies, the dragon, the bright happy colours. You have absolutely nothing to be worried about, your work is absolutely gorgeous.

Look at who is advising you…. I am sort of in the same boat as you doing cakes for family and friends so far with lots of people asking me to do it for money but I am scared to take the first step partly ‘cos of time and partly because I don’t know whether people will appreciate it once I start selling them?? ( they might like it more when it is free) and what to charge for my cakes….There… I have had the whinge for the day ;-) but on serious note CONGRATULATIONs on taking the first step and mind you It is a lovely stunning big step.

The 20+ first time lilies are GORGEOUS, straight to my favourites :-)

Sasi, Sydney Australia,,