re: Forty and Fabulous...... ( A Fashion Inspired 40th Birthday Cake )

Oh my…. Thank you … Thank you so much gorgeous ladies, Kath, Jules, Toni, CuriAussietycakes and Tota for all the beautiful and lovely comments :-). So very flattered and happy.

It did take a while to do Kath ‘cos I was using the new instant version of sugarveil type of paste called ’Flexi Paste",It didn’t work out the first time I made it and I almost gave up ( time to invest in a digital scale ;-) ). Second time I was more careful and this is the result :-). I am still keeping the first batch, want to see If I can create flowers with it!!!

Toni, I just loved the intricate detail of Anne Avantie’s creation and wanted to take it up as a challenge to see whether I could recreate it with cake.

Once again Thank you all so much

Sasi, Sydney Australia,,