re: GoooDogs!

Thank you for the kind comment.
It is a molded bulldog standing on a styrofoam block covered in fondant. I don’t know if you have ever been to Athens, Georgia, but all over the city are replicas of UGA, the school mascot. I used 50/50 mix to make the bulldog, on him, I put a camouflage jacket with my son in law’s last name on the pocket, on one hip I put the Georgia G, and on the other a patch with USAF on it. I tried to put a picture of the scoreboard on this site, but the file was too large. On the computer, I recreated the design which faces the bridge and on the scoreboard side, I used 3 pictures that were taken when my daughter and he saw each other for the first time at the airport. I attached these to a small chocolate cake, which I will not do if I ever make another one, I think I will attach it to a styrofoam block covered in fondant. I also made the football field with yard lines on the computer and then had the images printed on edible paper. To make the scaled model I downloaded a seating chart and then enlarged it on the copy machine. This was truly an act of love, because no one would pay me what I would need to charge to recreate it. This was my first attempt at a carved 3-D cake and was defiantly a trial and error project that I learned a lot from.
