re: Marine Cake AKA (The cake that almost ended my career)

Oh sweetheart, I had no idea… Did I miss this? Or did you go through it so quietly.. . Either way I’m so sorry to hear you went through something like this but I am absolutely 100 percent certain the lady has serious issues and nobody could have given her what she wanted! Goodness, if I ever get someone so demanding and exacting in the specification I’ll refuse the order immediately… In fact the only cake I ever didn’t post on cd had a similar situation except I didn’t get all the abuse and a complaint at the end…. And I still swore never to take another order like that on!

At the end of the day we’re artists, not machines. We create, out our spirit into the form & design of what we do. Specifying the design so much just kills that, making it joyless and mechanical; and ultimately that spark of genius we alone can bring to our own work won’t be there. People like that lady you mentioned can never appreciate that, and imo as such don’t deserve to have nice cake. Off to walmart with them. You continue making your GORGEOUS cakes and don’t worry about people like that. I think this cake is AWESOME and that woman needs some form of professional help xxxx