Sweethearts of the World- Romanian soul

Sweethearts of the World- Romanian soul
Sweethearts of the World- Romanian soul Sweethearts of the World- Romanian soul

My piece is a crown made of big red poppies, white wild daisies and blue cornflowers, all together bringing back sweet memories of happy and colourful childhood summers. I wanted to evoke my birth place and family history with this piece, so I used as inspiration the vast green Romanian fields, covered with red Poppy spots, white wild Daisies and blue Cornflowers. My roots and origins will never perish and I´ll always carry in my heart my family homeland- Romania.

Catalina Anghel


Absolutely stunning, Catalina! A crown of perfect blooms suits you!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Gorgeous flowers!

Cakes by Devon

Mi se umple sufletul de bucurie si mândrie când vă văd lucrările! Felicitări!! ❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


Thank you all so much!! Multumesc din tot sufletul! <3

Catalina Anghel

Stunning Flowers 💖😊loved it 💖😊😍

Dubey Cakes

Thank you all so much 😘❤️🤗

Catalina Anghel

Very beautiful and colorful! Your image looks like Ukrainian traditions.

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Thank you Liahugues.  Romania is a neighbor country and we have many folklore alike. 

Catalina Anghel