3D T Rex

3D T Rex
3D T Rex 3D T Rex

A friend asked me to make her grandson a T Rex cake for his 3rd birthday. She said make whatever would be fun. So, I made this guy. I think he’s more of a baby T Rex, but I think that worked out better for a toddler. They only needed cake for about 10 people. His back is the only part that is cake. The rest is Rice Krispies and modeling chocolate. I used innovative Sugarworks sugar structures to build the support. The eyes are isomalt with transfer sheets. I used Satin Ice covering chocolate instead of fondant, and that stuff is great. Seams blended perfectly. And it tastes so much better.
Patrick had just woken up from his nap when I delivered it, so he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, he wanted to take it in so he could play with it :).

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