Ramadan table

Ramadan table
Ramadan table Ramadan table Ramadan table Ramadan table

My name is Sarah Mohamed.I’m a wife and a mommy of two. I’m Egyptian from Domyat. " Sugar Rush " is my own Facebook page for making cakes and desserts.I started following my life_long passion seven years ago. The cake represents Ramadan’s table of food and sweets . This table characterize the Holy Month. Sweat the meat with vegetables, sambosak, beans with meat, grape leaves, poultry, Qatayef Sweets, Balah Sham and of course dates. All foods are made from sugar dough and cake

sara sugar rush


Beautifully realistic!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley


Dalia Abo Hegazy

Love it 💗💗

Happy Cakes تورت بالفوندام والكريمه


Samar sami