Beach Rascals Cupcakes

Beach Rascals Cupcakes
Beach Rascals Cupcakes Beach Rascals Cupcakes Beach Rascals Cupcakes Beach Rascals Cupcakes

They want you out of their beach and are up to anything to make it happen! Sea and summer are over for you! Make room for Octavio the Octopus, Gwen the Seagull, Barnabas the Crab and Sheila the Seashell !

Octavio the sand castle demolisher Octopus:
Octavio is absolutely fed up with kids pulling his tentacles. Boo! He frightens them and makes them all run off popping out of their sand castles!

Gwen the sunscreen squeezer Seagull:
Gwen wants her beach back! Maybe if tourists run out of sunscreen they will burn and go back home? Oh, well, it’s worth the try!

Barnabas the balloon deflater Crab:
Boing! And again a balloon right to the carapace! Psssssss : here you can have it back all deflated! Barnabas the Crab 1 – Little Hooligans 0

Sheila the ice cream devourer Seashell:
Sheila came up with a foolproof method to please her taste buds: she startles her victims by pinching their toes and… splash! This delicious pistachio ice cream is all hers!

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Sébastien - France - Un Cupcake l'Addition ! -