Cancer day collab

Cancer day collab

My name is Biris Valentina Crina, I have 23 years old and Iam from Romania. I study school of arts from Bistrita city where I found out I like to work in sugar paste like a designer in cake laboratory ( 2012). In 2016 I finished the University of Art and Design, working part time in a cake laboratory from Cluj Napoca. I like WHAT I do!

Generally, people regard cancer as a fatality when finding such a diagnosis, often a shock that develops feelings of loss of control that can cause distortion of the personal image, both physically and mentally, the representation being made in this petrified lifeless face. Each type of cancer is represented by a certain color: Lavanda- all cancer , pink- breast cancer, lime- Limphoma, plum- honors Caregivers, yellow- Bladder cancer, Orchid- testicular cancer, blue- Prostate cancer. The face has dark and sad colors in strong contrast with the flowers. Here the flowers represent the healing resources.
