Kraken Rising...

Kraken Rising...
Kraken Rising...

One of the unsung heroes in the arsenal of assets of a home based baker, is an understanding, supportive partner. Cake husbands have to put up with lots of things, like cake-stuff all over the kitchen, dead-lines cutting into family time, crankiness due to lack of sleep, etc.
When my husband tells people that his wife bakes, their first response is almost always ‘Wow! Why are you not huge from all the cake you eat all the time?!’ Well, I almost never bake for us (mostly just for special occasions, like birthdays), so my husband only gets the occasional cake scraps, or a left-over cupcake here and there… wink emoticon
My husband’s birthday was last week, and this is the cake I made him. It’s a dark chocolate stout cake (from Sharon Wee’s blog with boozy chocolate mousse filling and covered with dark chocolate ganache laced with bourbon.
(The inspiration for the decoration was my husband’s (healthy) fascination with Kraken rum)