Mincecraft cake

Mincecraft cake

This was my first ever Minecraft cake and my first ganashed square cake…I usually use SMBC to mask my cakes …I find a lot of ppl do not like the ganashe on the cake ..they keep saying just SMBC …I know its only a mine craft cake but man those squares are a pain..1654 of them …but i learned a lot from this and how to make it better next time xoxo



Wow!!!!! This must have taken a LONG time!! :-D:-D:-D

Thank you Marlene April and Lulu yes about 3 hours to place them all …tried to make them perfect but it def takes practice


well done, Danijela!


Thank you Luna i really tried xo


So awesome!!!! wow and so much work <333333333333333333

Dubey Cakes

Thank you Dina Enza Bethann so much i really lost my mind by the end of the few last sqares
