Olaf - Frozen

Olaf -  Frozen
Olaf -  Frozen Olaf -  Frozen

So we have the Trolls, we have Sven, the only one left was Olaf! He’s only a snowman so how hard can he be? Well far more difficult than I thought! Try five and a half hours difficult!!! Yes ok I sat and stared at Olaf pictures for an hour of that and I might have got slightly distracted watching the DVD but he was still way more testing than I’d planned for! I made his body pretty quick, but his head well now that’s a whole different story, a LOT of trial and error and four heads later I was finally happy and ready for bed!

Almost forgot the usual…hand modelled from fondant =)



Distracted ? Haha too busy singing along, Lynsey !! ;) He’s perfect, and your final piece was just fab ! xxx

Lou, S.Yorks UK https://www.facebook.com/SugarandSpiceGourmandise

Lou, I like to call it ‘getting into the cake zone’ I’m pretty sure that singing along is the main way to channel the cakey energy =) xx
