Ice-Cream , you scream, we all scream for ....CAKE!

Ice-Cream , you scream, we all scream for ....CAKE!
Ice-Cream , you scream, we all scream for ....CAKE! Ice-Cream , you scream, we all scream for ....CAKE!

Dark chocolate cake with raspberry buttercream frosting and dark chocolate ganache ganache drizzle on top. This was for a very socially active two year old who had two birthday parties because she could :O) so there were two cakes with the same decoration.

Even thought it looked simple to decorate it was an all nighter doing two. NEVER EVER assume a cake will be an easy 1…. 2… 3…hat’s when you get slapped upside the head with buttercream!

They loved it and that’s all that matters!

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