Minions and handbag.

Minions and handbag.
Minions and handbag. Minions and handbag.

2 nice ladies celebrating the birthday together. One loves handbags the other crazy about minions. Just 1 cake. Here’s what I created. Minions having fun :) Hope you like it nice people. ….Shhh hope you like my new cake stand :) hehe

JT Cakes


so funny! great cake Jon x

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela

Great design x who can resist a minion !

Lisa Salerno Bespoke Cakes

I will give you credit for the unique design… have not yet seen a minion in a handbag … cute!!

Dina @ miettes,

Great idea to make both ladies happy!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Brilliant idea Jon, its such fun, I love it xx
My next cake, the lady wants a pretty giant cupcake with minions, so this cake is great inspiration for me! :-)

sugar and art - perfect combination!

Beautiful cake, original design and a very pretty photo. Well done, Jon!!!

Learn from the past! Get yourself a blank canvas and paint your own life. Be your own artist! Mila,

Absolutely love this one

The quilting on that bag is FLAWLESS Jon!

Sharon A. *** Not Your Average Cupcake!