Cake Decorating


Hello!! I need to know which fondant do you think is the best? I always use Satin Ice but before I never had a problem but now I have some problems with that.

I want to know your answers :)

thank you

Karen de Perez-

4 Replies

Have you ever tried to make your own fondant? I have always made my own marshmallow fondant, which worked pretty well, until I tried Liz Marek marshmallow fondant. This stuff is amazing. It rolls out like a dream. I absolutely love it. Best of all, it’s very inexpensive to make! Here is a link to her recipe:

Toni, Pennsylvania,

I have been hearing amazing things about Liz Marek’s homemade fondant recipe recently, but I have never made my own – seems very time consuming. I may try to make a batch, but I already make my own modeling chocolate and can barely keep up!

I really like Fondarific and Elite by Fondx. I use Fondarific a lot in my regular cakes, but I usually grab the Elite when doing sculpted cakes. You can roll it very thin and it will stretch really well without tearing or cracking.

Jenniffer White, Cup a Dee Cakes -

Thank you…You know what is the problem??? I live in El Salvador, and here it is too much difficult to find others kind of fondant. I will try to make my own fondant!!! :)
I can do only the american fondant with gelatin!! :(

Karen de Perez-

I use Bakels Pettinice for covering cakes and Satin Ice for Figurines. Bakels is smooth and on the stiff side but does’t tear on sharp corners. I love it.

Maria @ or