Cake Decorating Tools & Supplies

Give & Bake August 2015


Throughout August we are hosting Give & Bake, a simple fundraising idea asking people to get together with their friends, family and colleagues for some tea and cake to raise money to support Leonard Cheshire Disability, including our local services.

We’ve got a free pack for you, with a step-by-step guide to organising your Give & Bake, a giant poster to advertise your event and some cake flags and balloons to make everything look wonderful!

Why take part?
Every year, we support thousands of people in the UK and around the world with physical and learning disabilities to fulfil their potential and live the lives they choose. The money you raise will pay for vital mobility equipment, communication aids and skills training.
More information can be found on our website and I hope that you would be willing to add this to your blog and social media in support of Leonard Cheshire Disability.

Many thanks