Cake Decorating Business

Teaching cake art from home, thoughts, ideas?

Has anyone ever thought of that. Since baking from home is illegal in some places like where i live in CA.
I thought i would have a cake art studio in my house and teach art class that way. That way the people I teach are baking not me.
I have thought of a name and was going thru the business license part but not sure if I needed to do something else so stopped and will call the business licensing board tommorrow, I just wondered if anyone ever thought of this?
My first class will be in June with or without a license for kids ages 10-13 from friends kids. I figured I would start that way. 6 kids. and then go from there.

2 Replies

We have held a few classes. The first went great with a series from basics up to fondant. What happens is that it gets harder to get people to commit to the time to come to the class. We have started a few since, but can’t get everyone on the same page to set dates up. Thats where it gets not worth doing. In order to have a decent class and worth the time and effort, you need at least 5 people. If you can get the people to come, it is fun and goes fast and we did like doing it.

thanks for the reply, i have it limited to 6 kids. And i think that will be good. I have each day planned, so its a progression of things. a 3 day class. for 2 1/2 hrs each. Any tips?