Cake Decorating

Fuzzy lines

I’ve noticed a lot of my sugar craft flowers seem to have like “fuzzy” lines theyre not straight. I was wondering how to make the lines smooth and not so… fuzzy? I use plastic cutters but I don’t think that would be the problem? What could I be doing wrong?

2 Replies

I am not quite sure what you mean by “fuzzy lines” do you mean the edges of your cut petals are ragged? Unfortunately this happens with metal or plastic cutters. All you have to do is run your finger over the edge of the shape to smooth our the edge before you use it on your piece.

Another this is you could be cutting your gumpaste/sugar paste to thick and this may be causing it also.


Yes sorry. I’ll try running my finger over to see if that makes a difference, I tend to roll until I can see light coming through the paste? but i’ll be sure to be double checking both from now on thank you