Cake Decorating

Help needed

Hi I am new to cakes decor . I was wandering if anyone had any tips, as I don’t really know what I’m doing. I have posted a couple of pictures of my work on here and have received some lovely comments. How do I reply to a comment? I am looking forward to using this site more, so would appreciate your help.
Thank you. Fiona x

CupcakeDelight, Bristol.

2 Replies

Hi, to reply to a comment you just write it in the comment box at the bottom of the page where your cake is posted (will show up as long as your signed in), in the same way as you would comment on someone else’s cake or when you post a new cake. It won’t notify the person that’s comment your replying to but if they check back on your cake they’ll see it. Hope this helps :)

Thank you for your help. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it soon. ????

CupcakeDelight, Bristol.