
posting my first recipie and thought i would start with tiffin as it’s my page name! this is soo popular with my freinds and family i have lost count of how many times i have made it, so easy as well.
ingredients 4oz butter, 1tbsp suger, 1tbsp golden syrup, 3tbsp drinking chocolate, 2 bars of galaxy melted, hlf packet of digestive biscuits.
method: melt butter, suger and syrup in pan then add drinking chocolate stirring well crumble biscuits into mixture makesure there are some nice chunky bits press into a square tin thats been lined with greaseproof paper pour over melted chocolate and spread evenly place in fridge and cut into squares before is completely sets keep in fridge wrapped in foil can be frozen.
i have done variations of this such as mint, orange and white chocolate as well.



Looks delicious! Should try this and then go for run:)))!!!

Gulnaz Mitchell, New Zealand, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heavenlycakes4you-by-Gulnaz-Mitchell/113619242162187

very interesting, I wanna try it but I have no clue what digestive biscuits would be in the US.

@Bonn Bono. I would guess the nearest to digestives would probably be the Graham crackers, however you could use any type of sweet biscuit / cookie instead x

Looks yummy!! What amounts /weight of galaxy bar and digestive biscuits? There are different sizes on the market.

This sounds and looks yummy, will have to try it, thank you!