buttercream problem #1: Buttercream problem

Hello ,
To all of you famus and so talented people!
I am new cake lover and I have problem with butter cream..
It is not melt and mix well as the result is to feel in the tongue and the teeth.. this is my recipe
I lay in the mixer bowl the butter . The butter be in the eoom temperature. Gradually add the powder sugar. And I feel in tow tablespoons of milk..
Msny times I tried but every time I feel the sugar.
Please help.

eve and butter


I find American butter cream does have a bit of a grainy texture..i use heavy whipping cream to thin mine out and it also smoothes it a bit better than just milk I have found.. But I recently started to just use SMBC instead because I love the smoother creamy texture and it’s alot more stable and less sweet. 😁

Amanda Bowman

Thank you so much Anna! I will try it with the heavy creem to. Today I made first timevthe Sweden and wow it is so tasteful and so smooth I love it.. want more time but it is so much better

eve and butter

Your so welcome! It does take quite a bit more time but you can also make it ahead and freeze it 😊 I do that when I can and just bring it to room temp and whip it back together.. Works great!

Amanda Bowman

That one I know it is for filling.. do you know if it is good for piping ? I want to make a grass did will work?

eve and butter

Oh yes! It is awesome for piping..i actually used chocolate SMBC for this cake..i think it hold up better than American butter cream.. The only t thing is it doesn’t crust over the way ABC does 😊

Amanda Bowman

Super! Thank you. So so much!you are sweet like your cakes :-)

eve and butter

Aww thanks eve! Hope it works out for ya 😁

Amanda Bowman