4 Tier Princess Cake in Buttercream

4 Tier Princess Cake in Buttercream
4 Tier Princess Cake in Buttercream 4 Tier Princess Cake in Buttercream 4 Tier Princess Cake in Buttercream 4 Tier Princess Cake in Buttercream

Here is a cake I just did this past weekend to donate for a little girl who is battling neurofibromatosis. The cakes were auctioned off at an even to raise money to help with the familys expenses, with the exception of one cake being chosen by her to take home (she chose mine! how exciting) Cake is buttercream iced, with buttercream ruffles, borders. The princess, flamingo, castle, and unicorn are fondant. Pink is her favorite color. The flamingo is significant because after donations are received from locals they are “flocked” with pink flamingos in their yard, how sweet! https://www.facebook.com/ItsAPieceofCakeWV

Rebecca L.