homemade modelling chocolate with recipe

homemade modelling chocolate with recipe

I spend an awful lot of time scouring the internet for tutorials so that I can learn new techniques and I came across a tutorial yesterday for homemade modelling chocolate, so thought I would give it a whirl – I have never worked with modelling chocolate before and found it tricky rolling it to the right thickness, hence this cake does not technically have the best ‘ruffles’ however, for my first attempt I am quite pleased with how it turned out ;) many thanks to wickedgoodies for the original recipe – 340 grams of white chocolate melted in the microwave, then mixed with 116 grams of warm corn syrup ( now sold in tesco uk) set in cling film in the fridge for at least 3 hours and then use ( I mixed the rose wilton colour with the corn syrup before adding it to the chocolate – full pictures of step by step on my fb page
