Christmas tree cupcakes for school party

Christmas tree cupcakes for school party
Christmas tree cupcakes for school party Christmas tree cupcakes for school party

I have made theselovely little cakes this morning for my daughter Grace to take in to school for her Christmas party tomorrow. For some reason when it comes to school parties and everyone else gets asked to supply crisps or chocolate fingers, I always get ‘cupcakes’!!

Scrummy Mummy's Cakes, Almondsbury,


thanks Guys, couldn’t really send her in with bulk standard cupcakes! Think they might all be a bit hyper though after all that sugar! x

Scrummy Mummy's Cakes, Almondsbury,

See, this is the reason why they always ask you to make the cupcakes, because they know they will be AWESOME!! LOVE this design!

Toni, Pennsylvania,

Took them in this morning and Grace was so proud! She kept telling all her friends ’ come and see my mummy’s cakes’. Not sure they will last to this afternoon by the time they’ve been poked by 30 little fingers! x

Scrummy Mummy's Cakes, Almondsbury,