103 !!!!!

103 !!!!!
103 !!!!! 103 !!!!! 103 !!!!!

Granny Elvira is 103 ! Happy Birthday!!!



Che bella torta e che bell’eta’!! Lovely cake and amazingElvia at 103!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Wow happy birthday to Elvira! Lovely cake!

DeniseRayArtworks https://www.facebook.com/deniserayartworks

So awesome!! love the sauce dripping down the pan! <33 and to be a 103! wow Happy Birthday!!!!

Dubey Cakes

This is so clever….great job!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Stupendi quei vasetti, Orietta! Nonna Elvira sarà felicissima :)


Happy B-Day Nonna Elvira. Fantastic work Orietta and Happy New Year!

The Cookie Lab by Marta Torres