"Mother Nature Herself"

"Mother Nature Herself"
"Mother Nature Herself" "Mother Nature Herself" "Mother Nature Herself"

I was honoured to be asked recently to be part of the wonderful Super Moms Collaboration. To celebrate Moms/Mums/Mothers all over the world. I was extremely lucky to work alongside of some amazingly talented artists, and made lots of new friends along the way. We each chose a flower to use, my choice was Chinese Jasmine as I wanted something dainty and pretty to suit the design. This is in loving memory of my own mum. Hope you like it :)



What an amazing cake! Love your flowers!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Stunning cake Margaret, I love this so much!!! <3 xx

Barbara @Sweet Janis, http:/www.sweetjanis.com

I love this cake so much, everything! It’s perfect :)

Karla, Italy, https://www.facebook.com/sweetk.cakedesign

Love this Margaret! Your Mother Nature is so delicate and beautiful and I just adore your florals. It was such an honour to work on this collab with you =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ - http://www.facebook.com/TheVioletCakeShop

Great job! Faved!

Rossella Curti - Lo Zuccherino