Pearl & Ruffling with Love

Pearl & Ruffling with Love

Anyone ever ask yourself.. what is your best wedding cake? For me, the answer is always “No cake is ever complete without sugar flowers!” Especially, this time, arranging all my favourite flowers together on a cake – roses, ranunculus and hydrangea.

The first tier was obviously a pearl effect, and for the 2nd extended tier, how can I not having my favourite ruffling, but this time, I give it a little twist by ruffling it at a slanted way. I kind of loving this method. And lastly for the 3rd tier, I am actually quite sick of covering the whole cake with a solid colour, therefore, I hand painted it randomly to give it some texture effect, surprising it turn out pretty well and I am happy with it.

With Love

Hazel Wong Cake Design


Love it, Hazel and as usual, you surpass yourself everytime!!

Dina @ miettes,

Thank you Dina! You are always here giving me your lovely and encouraging words! :)

Hazel Wong Cake Design

So beautiful! Love the textures and the flowers xx

sugar and art - perfect combination!


John, Spring Hill, Tn.

Thank you Christine, Yes I am loving with the texfue too. :)

Hazel Wong Cake Design