Tricked Treaters

Tricked Treaters
Tricked Treaters Tricked Treaters

Disclaimer: This cake is definitely not to be observed by the SCHQueamish.

I had the pleasure of joining 40+ bakers/sugar artists/sculptors from around the globe in the NAME OF HALLOWEEN! The first ever video cake collaboration featuring scary, gory and all around fun edible projects; with a special element of surprise each project. This is my contribution I call TRICKED TREATS; its my take on the urban myth of poisoned Halloween candy and “tampered” apples. You can see the full video at

thanks for looking xxoo Chef Mitchie

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Twitter: @Mitchies13

The back wall is hand-painted & textured/carved fondant. The figures are made of RKT, modelling chocolate, gum paste and details are hand-painted. The skeleton was a challenge as I built his structure around a 2 ft clear tube with a dime sized opening. I made the “vomit machine” with a 2200 watt aquarium motor. The “spew” is thinned corn syrup, grenadine, & orange food coloring. When I was testing the machine with plain water – a gallon forced out so feverishly in less than 30 seconds! whatta mess!!

Schmiles, Chef Mitchie