​I'm the owner and designer of Platinum Lady Cakes. Platinum Lady Cakes started out as a hobby. With a family background in cooking & baking, it seemed like the perfect hobby for this "Tomboy". A true sports fanatic that rather watch football than go shopping. But to my surprise, I really enjoyed baking and decorating cakes. It was my way of unwinding and relieving stress.

After training and becoming a Wilton Cake Decorating Instructor (WMI), Family & Friends asked for cakes to made for them. Birthday cakes, carved cakes & themed cakes. Soon there after referrals came; And more people asked "Can you make a cake for me...?" So this "little hobby" quickly turned into a business. And the business turned into a passion.

I am a mom of a very out going college student that is on the honor roll, part of the hip hop dance team & a cheerleader at her college. Needless to say I'm proud (:

My next goal is saving money to open my own bakery instead of just renting a commercial kitchen.